4 Spots to See on Spring Break Whether a Co-Ed or a Co-Parent
By Brittany Dismuke, on February 17, 2019
Located within the National Marine Park, the underwater art museum is multipurpose: educating tourists to the issues and destruction of natural coral reefs and wildlife and serves as an artificial coral reef in an area with desperate need for a solution. The sculptures are human shaped and sized to bring attention to the human causes of such plights. Beginning with three sculptures installed in November 2009, it will eventually number in the 400s, and can be viewed snorkeling or by glass bottom boat.

What are donkeys doing in Aruba? Sounds like the beginning to a terrible joke, but it really doesn’t seem to quite make sense. Donkeys are early Aruban immigrants, coming over with colonial settlers as work animals. Once they were no longer needed, they were abandoned to the island. This sanctuary began after overpopulation led to high numbers of donkey killings either by outright shooting them or being hit by cars. Now, the donkeys live in this sanctuary, where they are cared for and can be visited and fed by tourists!
To add a little strange and historical to your Turks & Caicos spring break, check out the Sapodilla Hill Carvings. The carvings are mostly from the mid-1700s to mid-1800s, by shipwrecked folks waiting on rescue. The carvings ranged from names and dates to ships and buildings giving more of an intricate story to their wait. While many have been destroyed, the Turks & Caicos Museum has taken steps to preserve those that are remaining and is also researching the stories of those who were stranded there.
This cave has housed the Organization of American States, buccaneers before launching an attack, occupation opposing guerillas, and now, one of the premier restaurants in the area? The menu is diverse and fresh ingredients are brought in daily for its menu, which serves locals and tourists alike! Have dinner a little differently this spring break!
Spring break, while bi-polar, is all about taking a break and
enjoying your time away from your every day. These sites can mix-up your
regular spring break vacation and give you a great experience to share and have
for years to come! Traveling internationally requires a passport, whether just
a renewal for yourself or first-time passports for your whole family, APVI.com
has you covered!